What Approvals Does HICI Go Have? - HICI Go

HICI Go welcomes all professionals seeking license renewal credits and all day-to-day education enthusiasts to take advantage of our low cost CEUs & Workshops to further their expertise.


What Approvals Does HICI Go Have?

What Approvals Does HICI Go Have?

Both of our accredited institutions, Hollywood Institute and Cortiva Institute, have the following certifications and approvals:

  • CE Brokers Approvals (#50-11948): Hollywood Institute has the approval of the Florida Electrolysis Council (#50-29456), and both institutions are approved by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy, the Georgia Board of Massage Therapy, the South Carolina Massage/Bodywork Panel, and the Tennessee Board of Massage Licensure.
  • NCBTMB Approval (#451248-10): Both institutions are approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.
  • DBPR Approval: Both institutions have Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation approvals in barbering and cosmetology.